13 energy boosting rituals that take no extra tiem text on pink and orange background

13 ENERGY BOOSTING Rituals that take NO extra time

July 24, 20245 min read

13 ENERGY BOOSTING Rituals that take NO extra time

Babe, I KNOW you’re here because you want to make your life better—without adding more to your plate.

Spiritual Self Coaching is powerful, and while some sessions do require dedicated time, there are simple, time-efficient habits you can incorporate into your day to dramatically improve your life.

Understanding Self-Love vs. Self-Care

First though, let's talk about self love and self care because they are both a huge part of how you show up for yourself and therefore impact your energy levels.

They are often used interchangeably, but they’re fundamentally different concepts that work hand in hand.

Self-love is about how we feel about ourselves, the love and appreciation we hold within.

Self-care, on the other hand, is about showing that love through our actions - and it’s not always about pampering ourselves with bubble baths or spa days. Often, self-care involves doing the hard stuff that leads to long-term rewards.

Think about it like setting routines for your kids. They might not always want to go to bed on time, but you enforce a bedtime routine because you know they need sleep to function well. You create these routines out of love and care for their well-being. The same principle applies to yourself.

You need to establish routines and habits that demonstrate love for yourself, even if they’re challenging in the short term.

The following 13 things will make that easier because they take no to very little time to do and all add to that self care bucket throughout the day, ultimately building a loving relationship with yourself and allowing you to live a fxck yes fully charged life, manifesting your fxck yes goals!

13 Life-Enhancing Habits That Take No Extra Time

  1. Set Intentions with Your Coffee When you make your coffee, set your intentions for the day. Visualize how you want to feel by the end of the day and infuse your coffee with love and gratitude as you stir. This simple ritual can transform your mindset and set a positive tone for the day.

  2. Cold Shower Boost At the end of your normal shower, switch to cold water for a few moments. This can boost your immune system, improve circulation, deepen sleep, boost energy levels, and enhance your mood. The initial shock might be uncomfortable, but the benefits are well worth it.

  3. Listen to Your Body Pay attention to how food and drinks make you feel. This practice helps you tune into your intuition and understand your body's needs better. Notice which foods energize you and which ones make you feel sluggish, and adjust your diet accordingly.

  4. Energetic Cleansing Throughout the day, practice an energetic cleanse. Set an intention to purify your space whenever you come home or get in your car. Use a trigger, like putting your key in the door, to remind you. This helps clear any negative energy and refresh your mind.

  5. Wear Your Intentions Ground yourself with your intentions by wearing them. It could be jewelry, a note in your purse, or even a tattoo. Keep your affirmations close to you. This constant reminder can help you stay focused and aligned with your goals.

  6. Set Your Phone Screen Use your phone’s screen to display your vision board, affirmations, or anything that grounds you. You look at it over 300 times a day, so make it count! This is a powerful way to keep your goals and aspirations in the forefront of your mind.

  7. Listen to Audiobooks or Podcasts Turn your commute or walk into a learning session with audiobooks or podcasts. This is a great way to make use of time you’d otherwise spend idly. Choose topics that inspire you, expand your knowledge, or simply entertain you.

  8. Be Present Practice becoming as present as you can in the moment. Whether you’re eating, working, or spending time with loved ones, try to focus entirely on the present moment and fully engage with it. This focus calms our system by not trying to do more than one thing at one

  9. Subliminal Messages at Night Play subliminal music while you sleep. These are powerful because the messages go straight to your subconscious without you consciously hearing them. Be careful whose you use though; ensure they are from a reputable source. This can help reprogram your mind and reinforce positive beliefs.

  10. Hypnosis Before Sleep Instead of scrolling through your phone, try hypnosis before bed. This can help you relax and set positive intentions for your subconscious mind. There are many guided hypnosis tracks available that focus on different aspects of self-improvement.

  11. Productive Scrolling Swap mindless scrolling for something productive. Keep a list of things you want to do on your phone, like adding to your grocery order or finding images for your vision board. This way, you can make the most of your screen time and stay aligned with your goals.

  12. Voice Note Your Beliefs As you become aware of beliefs and stories that influence your decisions, note them down. You don’t have to deal with them immediately, but keep track for your self-coaching sessions. This practice helps you identify and address limiting beliefs that may be holding you back.

  13. WhatsApp Yourself Use WhatsApp to voice note ideas, beliefs, or things you want to remember. Label them clearly so you can easily find and address them later. This is a convenient way to keep track of your thoughts and insights on the go.

Implementing These Habits

This week, commit to implementing just one of these habits—the one that really speaks to you. You can always add more, but start with one and see how it feels. These simple yet powerful habits can dramatically improve your life without taking extra time. Embrace them and watch your life transform!

I’m a sun-loving, pole dancing, badass Mama of 2 (plus cute AF fluffy dog Baz) and my favourite place is by the ocean

I'm an intuitive coach, psychic energy practitioner, Spiritual Self Coaching teacher and digital creator with clients from across the world

Kerri Williams

I’m a sun-loving, pole dancing, badass Mama of 2 (plus cute AF fluffy dog Baz) and my favourite place is by the ocean I'm an intuitive coach, psychic energy practitioner, Spiritual Self Coaching teacher and digital creator with clients from across the world

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